A little more about Wise Owl...

More about Wise Owl Resumes & Business Solutions:
After working in cut-throat corporate environments, KPI-driven sales teams and safety-focused mine sites throughout Australia, seeing firsthand just how many people needed help putting into writing what they struggled to put into words about themselves and their experience, Wise Owl Resumes & Business Solutions (Wise Owl) was born!
Drawing from thousands of hours of dedicated research, coaching, and client work, Wise Owl Resumes & Business Solutions (Wise Owl)'s founder Amy has gained extensive insights into positions across various sectors in Australia and globally, including hospitality, construction, healthcare, transport, defence, education, agriculture, automotive, finance, mining & resources, maritime, childcare, disability services, aged care, manufacturing, real estate, hair & beauty, and more. This broad experience equips her to effectively address the distinct needs of each individual client.
What Wise Owl Resumes & Business Solutions does:
Respect and work collaboratively with all people at any stage of their life and career.
Commit to helping clients create their own unique success stories.
Celebrate diversity, deliver an inclusive service, and aim to contribute to a more equitable world.
Get to know each person by asking tailored questions.
Review all information presented in combination with research, knowledge and expertise to find a unique solution for each individual.
Work with each person to ensure alignment on agreed outcomes.
Provides contemporary career services in line with relevant industry standards.
What Wise Owl Resumes & Business Solutions does not do:
Discriminate or exclude people from accessing the services offered.
Judge anyone on where they are at in their careers and lives.
Look for jobs on someone's behalf.
Apply for jobs on someone's behalf.
Place job seekers into employment.
Share any client information without consent.
More about Amy:
Amy has had a lifelong interest in helping others and has worked in many different industries in roles encompassing HR, recruitment, leadership, training and support throughout her career, but she always felt there was “something missing”. After discovering the world of coaching in 2016, she finally found what she had been seeking – the opportunity to truly make a difference, to inspire people to tap into the forgotten parts of themselves, unlock their potential and create the career (and life) most meaningful to them.
With a focus on consulting and end-to-end career solutions, she is deeply interested in exploring the world of Neurodiversity. She draws on her lived experience, knowledge of contemporary coaching practices and delivery methods, and insight into behaviour patterns to deliver impactful outcomes tailored to each person and business she works with. She combines empathy and honesty with her current knowledge of the global job market, hiring practices, and personal branding to support people in navigating their career success.
Amy's commitment to her craft is unwavering. She continually strives to stay at the forefront of industry standards through ongoing personal and professional development. Her qualifications in Human Resources, Training and Assessment, and Facilitation, along with her status as a Credentialed Practitioner of Coaching (CPC), Extended DISC Practitioner, and Mental Health First Aider, are a testament to her dedication. Currently, she is further enhancing her skills with courses via NeuroDiversity Hub and a Diploma in Counselling (DipCouns).
*To find out more about Amy's experience and qualifications, please head to Amy's LinkedIn Profile
The personal stuff:
Amy currently lives in Perth, Western Australia, with her husband Brad and their dog Luna. Together, they love to travel and are getting ready to do a "lap" of Australia. Amy is also a published author whose work is featured in a multi-authored book of real-life stories. She looks forward to writing and publishing her own book in the future.
With a lifelong love for dogs and a special place in her heart for Staffies, Amy has partnered with Staffy And Bully Breed Rescue Inc (SABBR) and Wise Owl Resumes & Business Solutions is committed to donating 5% of all bookings to this important non-government funded, not-for-profit rescue group located in Perth, Western Australia. SABBR is a foster-based rescue group run entirely by volunteers who are committed to the rescue, rehabilitation, rehoming and responsible ownership of Staffordshire Bull Terriers and Bully Breed dogs, including cross breeds.
If you would like to donate to this cause, too, please donate here.